TAV-5 SUV for DAZ Studio

29 November 2024
TAV-5 SUV for DAZ Studio

Introducing the next SUV from the automotive division at VP: the TAV-5. Use it to pick up the kids, go grocery shopping, or even go off-roading.
This SUV looks great next to the Pathblazer and Trailfinder.

Product Features:
* DAZ Studio prop: dsf, duf/ png, with 143,889 polygons.
* Highly detailed interior.
* Front and rear, left and right doors can open and close, with Pose Control dials on the Body.
* All four door windows are separate parts which can be hidden or shown.
* All four wheels can rotate around, with a Pose Control dial on the Body.
* Front wheels are steerable.
* Steering wheel is turnable and a Pose Control dial on the Body affects both the front wheels and steering wheel.
* Two levers on the side of the steering wheel can move front to back and up and down.
* The hood can open and close, with a Pose Control dial on the Body.
* A detailed engine which can be seen when the hood is opened.
* The trunk can open and close, with a Pose Control dial on the Body.
* Two foot pedals can rotate front-to-back.
* The seats can move front-to-back to accommodate different sized Poser figures. The seat backs can also rotate front-to-back.

More Details: https://www.renderosity.com/marketplace/products/161725
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