TY High Waist Trousers

11 June 2024
TY High Waist Trousers

Key Features:-
- One pair of dForce High Waist Trousers (aka Cigarette Pants) designed to work with the Genesis 8 Female Base figure.
- Several adjustment morphs to ensure best fit post-simulation, although the garment has been tested with many different body shapes and always had good results (see images for some examples).
- 8 Material Presets to match most outfits.
- dForce Preset supplied so you can always return to the product default settings after any experimentation without having to delete and re-load.
- Please note that only the trousers are included in this product, all other items shown are purely for artistic purposes.

Usage Notes & Recommendations:-
- The trousers use only a normal map and a separate surface/material slot for each element hence customisation is very straightforward. Leave the normal map active and play around with Base Diffuse colour and Glossy settings!
- Best results for close-up shots are with High Res Mesh & Smoothing at Level 1 within the General Settings of the DAZ Studio Parameters tab (set-up as the default when loading the product).
- The mesh has been optimised for dForce and is slightly oversized; this generates just the right amount of wrinkles when simulating. It does mean that the trousers need to have a simulation applied prior to any rendering to give the right appearance.

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