Mesoamerican Headdress For Genesis 3, 8, 9

17 November 2024
Mesoamerican Headdress For Genesis 3, 8, 9

Presets (.DUF)
Mesoamerican Headdress.duf
Wearables (.DUF)
Wearable G3F.duf
Wearable G3M.duf
Wearable G8F.duf
Wearable G8M.duf
Wearable G9.duf
Materials Iray (.DUF)
All Base.duf
All Bone.duf
All Jade.duf
All Painted Gold.duf
All Wood.duf
Decoration Bone.duf
Decoration Jade.duf
Decoration Painted Gold.duf
Decoration Wood.duf
Ornament Base.duf
133 Texturemaps (.jpg) for Base Color, Emissive, Height, Normal, Roughness, Transparency (2048 x 2048 to 4096 x 4096)
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