Gracie Character Morph for Genesis 8 Female

Find morphs under:
Actor/Full Body/People/Real World/CGS Gracie
Actor/Head/People/Real World/CGS Gracie
Additional assets used in preview:
Skin: Graciana for G8 and G8.1 Females by @Sangriart
Eyes: Graciana for G8 and G8.1 Females by @Sangriart
Clothes: dForce Little Cutie Sweater G8G8.1F by @Sveva, SU Lingerie Outfit for Genesis 9, 8.1, and 8 Female by @Sue Yee
Hair: ALO Elysianna Hair for Genesis 9, 8 and 8.1 Female by @Akhelloos
Made for Genesis 8 Female
Rendered on Genesis 8.1 Female
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